
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Project Description

This program is intended to open up an online multiple-choice poll, namely https://pollev.com/<POLL_ID>, choose the first choice, and submit a response.

Background Information

My class is from 14:50 to 15:20 (50 minutes) every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. The poll is posted anytime between these times. Therefore, I set my cron job to begin a Cypress run at 14:50, and I configured Cypress to keep the test running for 1 hour.

Installation and Set-Up


  • Install Cypress
  • Install Crontab
  • Clone this repository

Modify Variables

  • Set your PROJ\_HOME in cron-runner.sh
  • Set the correct POLL_URL in cypress/integration/runner.js
  • Set the USERNAME in cypress/integration/runner.js that you'd like to submit with
  • Set the correct TIMEOUT in cypress/integration/runner.js
    • Example: my class duration is 50 minutes. I choose 60 minutes, and I start the cron job 5 minutes before class (cron can sometimes start late).

Create a Cron Job

Open your crontab user file

$ crontab -e

Now, add your PATH and scheduled time (I start my job at 14:45 every MWF)


45 14 * * 1,3,5 /PATH/TO/cron-runner.sh

Future Goals

  • Instead of writing to a log file, it would be nice to using the unix mail command. Then, you can get emails whenever the job successfully submitted a poll response.