
All codes shown in 1 line

tanerijun opened this issue · 6 comments

All the codes highlighted by highlighter is shown on 1 line as shown in the screenshot.

I created a minimal replication on StackBlitz.

And thanks for the work on highlighter.

Holy shit! I think you are the first person to use something I built out in the wild! Awesome!

So every line is just a span which is default display: inline, the highlighter doesn't make any assumptions about the styling. It just tokenizes the code block. I could possibly change the element containing a line to a div which is default display: block. I did it this way because it's how the Shiki highlighter does it by default.

So, to fix the issue either you could do something like:

code > span {
  display: block;

or what I do is this

pre > code {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

If you want to check out how I style the code blocks on my personal website, look though this file.

Visual example:

Also FYI, the highlighter doesn't use the theme background color, I'll try to fix that soon. But for now it's pretty easy to manually set it in css.

Another option, which is probably the right thing to do, I could put new lines back in on every line. They get stripped out during the tokenization of the code block. What solution do you like best?

@tanerijun I think @bitmachina/highlighter@1.0.0-alpha.7 should fix the issue, it adds newlines back in after tokenization.

Holy shit! I think you are the first person to use something I built out in the wild! Awesome!

So every line is just a span which is default display: inline, the highlighter doesn't make any assumptions about the styling. It just tokenizes the code block. I could possibly change the element containing a line to a div which is default display: block. I did it this way because it's how the Shiki highlighter does it by default.

So, to fix the issue either you could do something like:

code > span {
  display: block;

or what I do is this

pre > code {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;

If you want to check out how I style the code blocks on my personal website, look though this file.

Visual example:

Thanks for the quick response and fix.

Since the highlighter acts differently from mdsvex's default, I just assumed that it's broken without thinking much about it. I think you should consider adding this to the docs.

I've determined it was a bug, it shouldn't strip out the new lines. Just took another person's perspective for that to become obvious. Thanks.