
Slow tests not correctly identified with HHVM

gui-com-pt opened this issue · 1 comments

With HHVM 3.12.0:

........                                                            8 / 8 (100%)

You should really fix these slow tests (>50ms)...
 1. 3436ms to run PiHostTest:testCreatesContainer
 2. 45ms to run PiHostTest:testMessageFactoryIsSet
 3. 41ms to run PiHostTest:testAssertHostProviderInstanceIsSet
 4. 41ms to run PiHostTest:testCanRegisterPlugin
 5. 34ms to run PiHostTest:testSetAndGetCacheProvider
 6. 34ms to run PiHostTest:testEventManagerIsCreated
 7. 31ms to run PiHostTest:testAppSettingsIsRegistered
 8. 15ms to run PiHostTest:testExecuteRequestAndWriteResponse

Time: 22.49 seconds, Memory: 19.13Mb

OK (8 tests, 9 assertions)

If i set the limit to 50ms the only slow test from the above report shouldn't be the first?

I know that HHVM support isn't reference but i wanted to be sure as at this moment i'm in doubt if it's reporting the extra execution time from 50ms (50+3436, 50+45, etc) instead of the execution time itself.

@guilhermegeek Yes, I never tested this with HHVM.

If a fix is ever found we could release a 1.0.2 tag, but v2.0 phpunit-speedtrap will not support HHVM. PHPUnit itself has dropped HHVM support via this commit.