
Serial port hits EOF randomly during run

capaulson opened this issue · 1 comments

I haven't been able to run a single reliability.

My hardware is a tinyg g2 running on a Due (latest version from master). The board is powered with an external supply, has a 100uF cap on Vin and is connected with a short USB cable (2ft) to a MacBook pro. The board is in a shielded box driving a Gecko G540. The spindle drive electronics are ~2-3ft away.

I'm running Version:1.94. The output of -v when the code fails is:

2017/04/30 11:33:42 serialport.go:187: Hit end of file on serial port
2017/04/30 11:33:42 serialport.go:193: EOF
2017/04/30 11:33:42 serial.go:141: Unregistering a port: /dev/cu.usbmodem1421
2017/04/30 11:33:42 serialport.go:363: Shutting down writer on /dev/cu.usbmodem1421
2017/04/30 11:33:42 serialport.go:257: writerBuffered just got closed. make sure you make a new one. port:/dev/cu.usbmodem1421

Any thoughts on why the serial port is crashing?