
requests/problems: channel editing struggles

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some problems:

  • when transfering the data from 1 channel to another, the data has to be moved manually.
  • channels wont always be ordered the way you want, rearranging channels requires manual copying.
  • cant remove channels inbetween other channels because channels are only added or removed from top to bottom.


  • allow channels to be rearranged by moving them around (similar to how patterns can be copied and moved around, maybe even give channels names or numbers like patterns have?).
  • allow channels to be added anywhere (not terribly necessary if channels can be rearranged easily).

some other things:

  • add soloing option for channels (like how audacity channels have mute and solo, and not just mute).
  • add saving of channel mutes with beepbox json file.
  • cant select more than one of certain things (such as instruments), thus you cant copy and move such things as flexibly as patterns.

For some of these requests, you're in luck!

Ctrl + up/down arrows moves the selected channel up or down, trading places with adjacent channels.

Ctrl + Enter inserts a new channel immediately underneath the selected one, and Ctrl + backspace removes the current channel.

The S key will solo the selected channels. (But it's not a separate setting from muting the other channels.)

Some of these options are also in the edit menu.