No Cocoapods podspec
Closed this issue · 11 comments
It would be great if this was available in Cocoapods 😄
I did think about it but is there realy an advantage for a module that is only one class and header?
I find that it would be very useful to have it as separate spec to separate it from developer utilities code within application bundles which I deal with in different projects. Especially useful when you're dealing with someone else's projects.
I think for you it would be easy to add podspec so developers will be able to decide what option suites their context.
Since I know nothing about podspecs or how to test them could you submit a pull request with one for me. Please note the license is not BSD or MIT for this code.
I can do. Will open it today.
Thanks! It might be best to move Xtrace.{h,mm} into the root driectory for you to do this.
I’ve moved Xtrace.{h,mm} to the root directory for you.
@johnno1962 What happened to the commit with Podspec? Why hasn't it been merged into master?
A Podsepc would have required a BSD or MIT license which would not be my choice at the moment. Besides it seems like overkill to configure a single file/header.
A Podsepc would have required a BSD or MIT license
I don’t think so, you can choose whatever license you want.
Can a Podspec be added, now that the code is MIT licensed?