
Current mail setup?

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fnurl commented

Thanks for writing about the considerations and research you did looking for a search based email solution.

I have been using Gmail so I was already using search, but I wanted to try a text based MUA. I am currently usingofflineimap withnotmuch and alot together with abunchoftags to syncX-Keywords to tags. I do however find that the less cluttered environment of the terminal to helps me get more work done.

I was wondering if you are still usingmutt as your MUA? And since you wrote that you were using OS X, if you have tried MailMate? I keep going back to MailMate as there are aspects of my text based workflow that are not as convenient compared to working in MailMate.

(Apologies for the reply delay.)

@fnurl These are great references, thank you very much.

MailMate looks quite promising, at first glance. I've not yet tried it, but plan to look into it.

abunchoftags with X-Keywords sync also seems quite appealing to, among other things, solve the "tags synced with the IMAP server" problem--if I'm reading things correctly?

I don't yet consistently use any cmdline/textbased MUA environment, unfortunately -- only because the ramp-up efforts have thus far been too expensive and I haven't found sufficient time and resources to prioritize this project. However, my team and I are working to put something together. For cmdline/textbased MUAs, I'm debating between mutt (for easier integration with external tools to convert email content to info and action items) and notmuch/alot.

I plan to continue using MacOS as my primary OS for the foreseeable future. And for now, Thunderbird remains my primary MUA - for better or worse. I'm quite interested to try MailMate to see if it can handle the keyboard-shortcut integrations I can do with Thunderbird+Nostalgy.

Optimally, I might envision seamlessly switching between cmdline/textbased and GUI MUAs for different workflows/usecases, and not exclusively employing one or the other.

I'll message more if/when I do more with these or similar tools. Thanks again!


I'm considering employing a localhost-based Dovecot (or similar) server to deal with the incapability Thunderbird (and possibly other MUAs) have to play nicely and concurrently with the same Maildir local filesystem.

I'd mbsync a remote IMAP server to my localhost Maildir-based directory, and then employ Dovecot to read said directory and serve IMAP to localhost-based MUAs concurrently (mutt, alot, Thunderbird, MailMate, etc).