Failed to run post-create hook with systemdboot
ajunca opened this issue · 2 comments
ajunca commented
I'm running Arch installed on zfs on root that I install it using the ALEZ script (systemd-boot as bootloader). I'm trying to use zectl with systemdboot plugin. I enabled it as zectl set bootloader=systemdboot
When I try to create an snapshot with for example zectl create snapshot1
an error occurs:
zectl: Failed to run 'zectl create'.
Failed to run post-create hook
After that, if I do zectl list
I get:
Name Active Mountpoint Creation
snapshot1 /tmp/ze.snapshot1.tivoaW2021-05-25 22:25
default NR / 2021-05-25 18:58
The output of zfs list
zroot 7.76G 891G 176K none
zroot/ROOT 7.52G 891G 176K none
zroot/ROOT/default 7.52G 891G 7.50G /
zroot/ROOT/snapshot1 8K 891G 7.50G /tmp/ze.snapshot1.tivoaW
zroot/data 245M 891G 176K none
zroot/data/home 245M 891G 245M legacy
But I can't see any logs or output of the error anywhere, so I'm a bit lost on what is the problem.
johnramsden commented
Are you setup according to docs/plugins/ ?
What does zectl get
ajunca commented
Sorry but at the end and after several formats I just went with grub and zedenv and now is working fine. Next time I format maybe I try again.