Where does finicky store the path to the config file?
usizu opened this issue · 6 comments
Any ideas, suggestions or other feedback
Question: is there a config file in which finicky remembers the path to the specified .finicky.js
Reason: In the finicky menu it's possible to select a config file at an arbitrary path. I'm using a dotfile manager to manage my .finicky.js
file at a non-default path (.config/...
, to keep my ~/
folder tidy) which means manually telling finicky where the new file is located when installing finicky and the config on a fresh machine.
I want to have the whole thing automated (finicky with Brew bundle and the config with chez-moi). It's almost there except I need to manually tell finicky where the new config is located.
Is there some file in which finicky is storing the path to .finicky.js
, so that I could put into my dotfile manager also? Then when I deploy finicky and its settings to a new machine, I won't have to manually point it to the custom config path.
Hope I'm making sense, thanks for any info
It's a constant in the code => /Finicky/Finicky/Config.swift
I think you can't do what you want...
Interestingly, there is a way to "Use another file..." from the menu bar drop down. If you add a different config file location through that UI, and then run the command:
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c print ~/Library/Preferences/net.kassett.finicky.plist
It clearly shows that file being stored in some encoded way. Beyond my MacFu to understand how to get that set programmatically.
The other issue is that it seems it can't use a symlink as the config file setting, making using nix home-manager difficult.
If it helps anyone else coming here for the same thing, I ended up just hacking a little around it.
home.file.".config/finicky" = {
source = ./finicky;
onChange = "cat ~/.config/finicky/fincky.js > ~/.finicky.js";
If it helps anyone else coming here for the same thing, I ended up just hacking a little around it.
home.file.".config/finicky" = { source = ./finicky; onChange = "cat ~/.config/finicky/fincky.js > ~/.finicky.js"; };
Thanks for this! This might be even better:
{config, ...}: let
filePath = "finicky/config.js";
in {
xdg.configFile.${filePath} = {
source = ./config.js;
onChange = "cat ${config.xdg.configHome}/${filePath} > ${config.home.homeDirectory}/.finicky.js";