
User-friendly CLI over cryptography.io's symmetric cipher

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

lockbox: User-friendly CLI over cryptography.io's Fernet symmetric cipher


lockbox provides a command line interface over cryptography.io's Fernet symmetric cipher. Fernet guarantees that a message encrypted using it cannot be manipulated or read without the key. lockbox was inspired by the Ruby-based sekrets project, but they use different ciphers.


pip install lockbox

Command line interface

The lock command

Usage: lockbox lock [OPTIONS] INPUT OUTPUT

    Symmetric encryption of plaintext input file to ciphertext output file

  --key TEXT  An encryption key
  --help      Show this message and exit.

The unlock command

Usage: lockbox unlock [OPTIONS] INPUT OUTPUT

  Symmetric decryption of ciphertext input file to plaintext output file

  --key TEXT  An encryption key
  --help      Show this message and exit.

The edit command

Usage: lockbox edit [OPTIONS] PATH

  Decrypts the given file and opens its contents in a temporary file for
  editing. Once saved, the updated contents are reencrypted back to the
  orignal file.

  --key TEXT  An encryption key
  --help      Show this message and exit.

The genkey command

Usage: lockbox genkey [OPTIONS] OUTPUT

  Generates a cryptographically strong key and writes it to the given output

  --help  Show this message and exit.

Key resolution

With lockbox, you can pass an encryption key as a command line option --key or store the key in a .lockbox.key file. The key should be cryptographically strong. The command line interface also has a command to generate such a key.

For all operations, lockbox uses the following algorithm to search for a key:

  • A key passed via the --key option is always preferred.
  • Otherwise the code looks for a companion key file named .lockbox.key in the the current working directory.
  • If that is not found lockbox looks for the key in the environment under the environment variable LOCKBOX_KEY
  • Next the global key file is searched for. The path of this file is ~/.lockbox.key
  • Finally, if no keys have been specified or found, the user is prompted to input the key. Prompt only occurs if the user is attached to a tty.
  • You should never commit keyfiles. Add them to to your .gitignore or similar.