
Editing an event's details seems to create duplicates

Closed this issue · 6 comments

It seems every time I edit an event the original event is updated and a duplicate one is created.

E.g I created this event.

I then make an changed from the edit page

Clicking the Submit button appears to do the following:

  • Update the existing one
  • Create a new one.

Here are the duplicate ones created:

I create events most months and this is the first time I've noticed it, so I'm going to guess it's an issue that has been introduced recently.

Also worth noting that I have instant approval on (not sure if that is relevant to the bug).

I'll look into this once I'm in an area w/ better internet speeds, may not be until much later tonight.

Also worth noting that I have instant approval on (not sure if that is relevant to the bug).

This should not impact anything but yes, you are marked as a trusted user which allows events you submit to bypass the moderation queue.

Wasn't able to reproduce this locally using master branches. I just did a deploy to our host. Will you test this again Would also be helpful to know which fields you changed when the event was duplicated.


I suspect that, as is often the case with me, it's user error!

The field I updated last time was adding the icon.

I'll try again later on and screen record and capture HTTP traffic to see if I can replicate and give you something more useful to help debug...

I have tried to recreate and I can not. Must have been user error on my part. I'm sorry that I've wasted your time. I owe you a pint if we meet in real life!

No worries! Thanks for verifying 🍻