
(UI) Show "Selected UTXOs before performing transaction"

amitx13 opened this issue · 9 comments

Subtask of: #689
Aim : To give user an overview of the selected UTXOs before performing transaction
Objective: Probably adding an extra field, i.e Selected UTXOs and showing the selected utxos to the user
@theborakompanioni and @editwentyone, please suggest if u have something else to make it more intuitive

good idea, make it a collapsible list (known from your other task) so its not getting to long

if you need a Figma draft let me know

Yeah sure, a Figma draft would be really helpful. Could you please provide one?

simpler, without collapsible list

Can the UTXO list component of the fidelity bond flow be reused?
(Also.. in your screenshot, you show addresses, not UTXOs)

I assume you mean something similar to the UtxoSummary like this, right?

Screenshot from 2024-06-21 12-06-34

But here, just the address and amount are visible.

we can also make it collapsible, as suggested by @editwentyone earlier . Take a look


What do you think?

Hey @editwentyone if you have a moment, can you please share some thoughts on this?

we can also keep it simple something like this
what do you think @editwentyone ?