
Add info about bitcoin-cli rescanblockchain when importing a wallet

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There is information in the docs about importing a wallet and the information is good, but is missing details about what to do if all balances are 0 after import. I found the info that I needed in the original joinmarket GitHub repo after seeing that is from the joinmarket project. Here:

restart Bitcoin Core with -rescan or use bitcoin-cli rescanblockchain if you're recovering an existing wallet from backup seed Otherwise just restart this joinmarket application.

I followed the instructions on Jam Docs and then did the following for my Start9 node:

  • SSH to Start9 node
  • Run sudo docker exec -it jam.ebassy bash to get into the jam container
  • Follow the instructions here: Can I import an existing wallet?
  • Exit the jam container with exit
  • Get into the bitcoind container: sudo docker exec -it bitcoind.embassy bash
  • Rescan he blockchain for the jam wallet: bitcoin-cli -rpcwallet=embassy_jam_wallet rescanblockchain <starting-block-#> <ending-block-#.

Sharing to save others some frustration. Thanks!

Hey @climardo, thanks for the heads-up.
Hopefully, these manual steps won't be necessary anymore, once joinmarket-webui/jam#137 is implemented and released. Till then, this is a superb description for others facing the same problem and something that can be referred to 🙌