
[BUG] Can't enchant and forge custom armor

Closed this issue · 7 comments

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I have created a custom armor, its an "emerald" armor make of dyed leather armor.
When i try to enchant it in the enchantment table there is no enchanting options and when i put it in the anvil i can't puts enchanted books and if i forge the armor with nothing the armor get rename as a simple leather armor and is not count as a custom item.

Here's the file for the chesplate of my armor for exemple :

I don't have errors in the console.

Minecraft Version


Plugin Version


Server log.

Anything else?

No response

What do you mean "innactive 1.8"?

I bought the plugin taking into account that it works in 1.8

Considering the time I wasted with the many bugs of this plugin I will not change plugin.

A while ago, for a bug I had reported about armors not working correctly in 1.8 and you had answered me that it was not possible to modify the attributes of an armor in 1.8.
So as you didn't want to do anything, I called myself a developer who knew how to make a plugin that works correctly with armors while working with custom items.

Yes, it works in 1.8
That doesn't mean all of it works due to Minecraft limitation in that old version.
Also, 1.8 is just a label that is used to sort the issue to the right category.
It's very unlikely that you will find a developer who wants to work in 1.8

I expressed myself badly the developer has already made the plugin and it works very well and I know many developers who work in 1.7.10 and 1.8 especially for faction servers

So why are you still here then?
I know lots of developers and this plugin is not the fastest moving one but its also not the slowest.
You know Im just saying developers are people too and we all have lives to live outside of minecraft.

I paid for this plugin so I'm going to use it, and the developers have to be paid I don't have unlimited money, I still paid more than 10€ for this plugin even though it's not a custom plugin so the least I can do is make it work.

news ?

1.8 is redundant so it is unlikely these bugs will be fixed. But please make new bug reports on the discord.