
Xdebug 3.0 upgrade appears to exponentially increase the total time (cost).

alexscott64 opened this issue · 8 comments

Unfortunately I don't know how or why this is happening.. I'm assuming it has something to do with the way xdebug 3 is now doing profiling output. But, the total inclusive / self cost (in milliseconds) appears to be hyper inflated.

For instance, I have a call that in total, takes 16.66 seconds to run. Loading it into webgrind, it appears that the call takes 1095246 milliseconds or 1095.246 seconds. The percentages seem correct, and in fact the order seems fine too, even when viewing from milliseconds, it just looks like its massively scaled up.

I wouldn't even know where to begin to look into this, but if someone has an idea as to why this might be occurring, or what I could do to help I'd be glad to. Also note I tested the same thing on Xdebug 2 and did not have this issue.

Sounds like there is some sort of number parsing issue, which would be

If you are able to get the cachegrind.out.* files for the same script, run under Xdebug 2 and Xdebug 3, comparing the results may help (the files are plaintext; human readable-ish).

(Sorry, I do not have Xdebug 3 in use currently.)

I've just output the two cachegrind files on the same script. One running Xdebug 3, and one running Xdebug 2. The most noticeable thing is that the cachegrind file for Xdebug 3.0 has the following header:

events: Time_(10ns) Memory_(bytes)

I looked into the library for xdebug and it looks like they updated the cachegrind output files to use nanoseconds instead of milliseconds.


My question is how do you want to handle the different version of Xdebug, should I just put the following in the webgrind config?

static $xdebug_new_features = version_compare('3.0', phpversion('xdebug'), '>=');

And then use that in the php parser? For the C++ parser, is it enough to just grab the version of xdebug from the second line:

creator: xdebug 3.0.1 (PHP 7.4.13)

By comparing what comes after "xdebug"?

Good find. I think reading the events header would be a more future proof implementation. Header lines are already extracted (php, C++), so maybe check there if the events header says Time_(10ns). If so, set a scale factor to multiply the costs by.

Thanks for tracking this down. I thought I was going crazy when I saw my costs in webgrind with Xdebug 3.0. After a lot of time spent grasping at straws, I finally downloaded KCachegrind and also noticed that the costs there were exactly 100x smaller.

I took a quick look at where the headers are parsed, but as a complete webgrind novice, it wasn't clear to me how this issue could/should be handled. Is there anyone with more expertise who would be willing to look into this? 🥺

Any plan to fix this issue ?

@alpha0010 before I spend time writing a pull request that won't be accepted (like #141), can you please confirm this project is still being maintained and that pull requests will be merged?

@ozupey Thanks for your interest. I am still here, just limited time for open source projects that I do not use on the job. This means that for PRs like 141 (where the author stated it only works in some cases), reviewing and testing is low on my priorities.

I will prioritize reviewing PRs that fully address bugs, so if you have the time, a fix would be appreciated.

Woet commented

I've just submitted a pull request that addresses this issue: #145.