
JavaScript error because of removal of $.browser from jQuery

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Webgrind 1.9.3

Encountering this JavaScript error:

jquery.blockUI.js:206 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'msie')

Code excerpt:

ie6: $.browser.msie && /MSIE 6.0/.test(navigator.userAgent),

Certainly due to the update to jQuery 1.12.4, as $.browser has been removed in jQuery 1.9.

Note there are also other occurrences of $.browser in the codebase: Search for "$.browser".

As a short-term solution, jQuery Migrate could be used, but it would be better to directly update the dependencies:

Hi @jokkedk, it seems that you are not active on this project currently. I can understand, there is absolutely no problem with this.

Though, the latest webgrind release can be considered as broken, considering how the jQuery update actually broke things that were working previously.

Thus, as a quick measure to fix things in the short term, maybe you could revert the jQuery update and tag a new webgrind release? Staying on the older -but working- jQuery version would be a lesser evil, for the time being.

You can add this line:
<script src=""></script>
after jquery.js in the templates/index.phtml

@jokkedk would be greate to "hotfix" this issue with my merge request.