
Update bug

Opened this issue · 3 comments

When I click the "update" button on the home page, this is a error log in console, as shown.

jquery.tablesorter.js:482 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '4' of undefined
at getCachedSortType (jquery.tablesorter.js:482)
at multisort (jquery.tablesorter.js:436)
at HTMLTableElement. (jquery.tablesorter.js:617)
at HTMLTableElement.handle (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:26157)
at HTMLTableElement.eval (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:23905)
at Object.trigger (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:25523)
at HTMLTableElement.eval (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:28478)
at Function.each (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:8461)
at init.each (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:1089)
at init.trigger (eval at (jquery.js:11), :1:28454)

Could you provide the cachegrind.out.* file you are trying to load?

What web browser, version, and OS are you using?

I think this has nothing to do with the cachegrind.out.* file, because I find the file does not exist in the directory tmp.

Looks like it is a known bug. I will look into when I have some time.

Also, pull requests always welcome.