
Building on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

beniz opened this issue ยท 10 comments

beniz commented

This is the placeholder for information regarding the building of deepdetect on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (expected future reference platform).

Build status: successful, tested with Caffe back-end on CPU

Thanks to @MartinThoma the correct way of doing it is below:

$ sudo apt-get remove libcurlpp0
$ cd [wherever]
$ git clone
$ cd curlpp
$ cmake .
$ sudo make install
$ cd [back to deepdetect]
$ make clean
$ make

Existing difficulties with 15.10 (#29) appear to have been fixed, but for the version of curlpp that is still broken ( The fix remains to rebuild curlpp from

EDIT: fixed.

beniz commented

On the way to make 16.04 LTS a supported platform, here are some install info.

  • Nvidia Cuda + driver install:
  • Download Cuda 8 run file + Cuda 8 patch run file, when installing do not install the default driver
sudo ./

From there, nvidia-smi should work. It is possible to use deviceQuery from the Cuda samples to make sure the device is working properly.

Note: good tutorial is here:,---CUDA-8.0,---Ubuntu-16.04,---Caffe

require packages autoconf and libtool-bin to build curlcpp from sources on ubuntu 16.04 LTS

quick info:

The bug reported by is now fixed by version 0.7.4 on cURLpp's official github repository: I hope that ubuntu will update their package to include new versions.

beniz commented

@jpbarrette thanks for the heads up!

based on 0.8.0 version, the step is:
git clone
cmake .
sudo make install

Here is how you fix the curlpp problem on Ubuntu 16.04:

$ sudo apt-get remove libcurlpp0
$ cd [wherever]
$ git clone
$ cd curlpp
$ cmake .
$ sudo make install
$ cd [back to deepdetect]
$ make clean
$ make

Had same error, thanks for provided solution @MartinThoma. I think this should be in DD installing page

Your note is very useful! Thank you very much!

Thank you so much, guys!!
Merry Christmas!

By the way we have scripted the install of deepdetect for ubuntu 16.04 here: