
scripts to run cyclegan_sty2_model

fishman2008 opened this issue · 4 comments

Hi, thanks for sharing this package. Do you have the script to run the cyclegan_sty2_model? It will be nice to have a similar script where many detailed parameters were given in semantic. Thanks.

beniz commented

Hi @fishman2008 you should be able to use StyleGAN2 as generator with --netG stylegan2 or --net smallstylegan2.

However, this is momentarily broken on multiple GPUs as we updated the whole code base to DDP recently, see #82 .

Thanks for your reply. I tried to use the following command.

python3 --dataroot dataset_path --mode cycle_gan_sty2 --gpu_ids 0

It will give the error below, line 79, in crate_model
TypeError: init() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given.

Hi @fishman2008 , as @beniz said, you can use StyleGAN2 as generator with the following options : --netG stylegan2 or --netG smallstylegan2. #82 is currently fixing a bug for muli GPUs use. It can be used with any model : cyclegan_model, cyclegan_semantic_model, cyclegan_semantic_mask_model.

But , cyclegan_sty2_model is an old code which is not maintained anymore.

So, I encourage you to use to the following command line : python3 --dataroot dataset_path --mode cycle_gan -netG stylegan2 --gpu_ids 0.

beniz commented

But , cyclegan_sty2_model is an old code which is not maintained anymore.

Hi @pnsuau can we remove it then ? thanks!