
Add a script to resize Gif

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Because the bundle is already quite heavy, I would like to resize all the gifs so their real width matches the displayed width (145 px). I would like to make and version a script in the repository that we could manually launch after new gifs are added.

@pyrech would be interested on helping out with this if you like, let me know and I'll work on a PR 👍

Yep @jenkoian, please go ahead 😉

For the record, I think we should first resize the GIFs. But additionally I think we could also (not sure if this is possible at all) :

  • limit the framerate (f.e. this gif is REALLY heavy)
  • color reduction / lossy compression ?


Will finish and get a PR up later today, but let me know if I'm going down the right track.

Uses this library by the way which wraps up gifsicle which does all the work


Pretty cool! I like it!