jolici just stop itself in the middle
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Nek- commented
➜ Project git:(feature/ci) jolici run -vvv
Creating builds...
1 builds created
Running job php = 5.4
Step 0 : FROM jolicode/php54:latest
---> Using cache
---> a3d266dc994f
Step 2 : ADD . $WORKDIR
---> 6cd615595474
Removing intermediate container ad9ba4567285
Step 3 : WORKDIR $HOME/project
---> Running in 55c778a47f92
---> 8d8068fd451e
Removing intermediate container 55c778a47f92
Step 4 : RUN sudo chown travis:travis -R $HOME/project
---> Running in 7486cbd87b2a
➜ Project git:(feature/ci) ✗
I have no idea why it stops here.
Nek- commented
Here is another build:
➜ Project git:(feature/ci) ✗ jolici run -vvv
Creating builds...
1 builds created
Running job php = 5.4
Step 0 : FROM jolicode/php54:latest
---> 15d056b9de11
Step 1 : ENV WORKDIR $HOME/project
---> Using cache
---> a3d266dc994f
Step 2 : ADD . $WORKDIR
And another one:
➜ Project git:(feature/ci) ✗ jolici run -vvv
Creating builds...
1 builds created
Running job php = 5.5
Step 0 : FROM jolicode/php55:latest
---> Using cache
---> ba55f9db8f8b
Step 2 : ADD . $WORKDIR
---> a567e5f708b4
Removing intermediate container 3fd0f5900e4c
Step 3 : WORKDIR $HOME/project
---> Running in 33da7e7611ed
---> 268291b65c95
Removing intermediate container 33da7e7611ed
Step 4 : RUN sudo chown travis:travis -R $HOME/project
---> Running in 88c0a811b7d3
---> acd72b17cdb5
Removing intermediate container 88c0a811b7d3
Step 5 : ENV TRAVIS_PHP_VERSION `cat /home/.phpenv/version`
---> Running in 856b4c618a85
---> 7bd7df6d37e3
Removing intermediate container 856b4c618a85
Step 6 : RUN echo 'date.timezone=Europe/Paris' >> /home/.phpenv/versions/`cat /home/.phpenv/version`/etc/php.ini
---> Running in 13b00ca25ca4
---> d6d0b1504c98
Removing intermediate container 13b00ca25ca4
Step 7 : RUN /bin/bash -c -l "cd $WORKDIR && sudo composer self-update"
---> Running in ac6cda845f5c
/usr/bin/env: php: No such file or directory
Error when creating job: The command [/bin/sh -c /bin/bash -c -l "cd $WORKDIR && sudo composer self-update"] returned a non-zero code: 127%
joelwurtz commented
Do you still encounter the issue with the last release ?
joelwurtz commented
I'm closing this issue, if you still have the bug don't hesitate to reopen it.