Creating archive disabled by the php.ini setting phar.readonly
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I am currently testing JoliCI for Drupal Console project and the default container php.ini setting for creating archive .phar
files is disabled and I am getting the following error message:
creating archive "/home/project/console.phar" disabled by the php.ini setting
This is the Drupal Console project travis file
There is any plan to change the container php.ini configuration to
phar.readonly = false
NOTE: This is a duplicated issue from jolicode/JoliCi#49
This should be good in some minutes, (need to wait for build on docker hub registry).
I'm not a huge fan of overriding default configure here, there will be probably be a rollback of this change, and find a solution to override config in jolici instead.
Thanks @joelwurtz
There is a command I need to run to get the new container configuration ?
Yes you need to pull or remove image manually to get the new version, jolici does not check new image version by itself (something that will be added later)
docker pull jolicode/php53
docker pull jolicode/php54
Thanks that work great.