
Calllback url gets prefixed to HTTP, even if you want HTTPS

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I want to add my HTTPS public hostport in the service agent but the callback url in the interaction token is being generated as:
{ "interactionToken": { "callbackURL": "http://https//*****" } }
If I omit the HTTPS while intialising the public hostport in the service agent the callback url will be set to HTTP obviously, so the release build mobile wallet cannot use the plain HTTP callback url and failing the interactions. Please suggest a solution as to how to add HTTPS hostport for making the interactions.

Found the file prefixing the callback url to HTTP in the module @jolocom/web-service-base, changed it to HTTPS and it worked like a charm or we can set enable tls option to true. Closing the issue. Thanks.