
Error occured while persisting identity data: Returned error: project ID is required

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Steps to reproduce;

$ git clone
$ cd jolocom-cli
$ npm install 
$ node cli.js fuel -i "insert key here" // this works, but does not print any output. So, I'm assuming this has worked.
$ node cli.js create -i "insert key here" // this is where I get the error

Error Message;

Usage: jolocom-cli create [options...]

  --help          Show help                                                                                                                                                                        [boolean]
  --version       Show version number                                                                                                                                                              [boolean]
  --staX, -s      Use custom staX deployment instead of public registry                                                                                                                             [string]
  --identity, -i  Provide custom 32 byte seed to generate identity keys                                                                                                                             [string]
  --offline, -o   Run without network requests. Does not apply to fuel, create or validate                                                                                                         [boolean]
  --debug, -d     Print full error messages                                                                                                                                                        [boolean]

Error: Error occured while persisting identity data: Returned error: project ID is required
    at JolocomRegistry.commit (/Users/chinmay/coding/keyko/ssi/jolocom-cli/node_modules/jolocom-lib/js/registries/jolocomRegistry.js:76:19)


Where do we get the project ID from? Is there a more recent library?

This is unfortunately due to a change to the API that was fixed in jolocom/jolocom-lib#390

The CLI is using an outdated version of the lib, but there is a more up to date branch here:

Please try that one for now!

There were further issues, but these have been fixed in 1.9.2!

It works now! Having a RegistryCommitFailed but it's not related to this. Let me look first, and if I continue to get this error after a few changes, I'll report a new issues.

Thanks for the prompt response.

@ChinmayPatel ah that was an issue with our "demo fueling service" which is now fixed, please try again now!