onmessage is null
mauriciopf opened this issue · 2 comments
mauriciopf commented
When the event emitter is fired, doing a console log of self in the callback DeviceEventEmitter.addListener('ThreadMessage', (message) => {
seems that onmessage property is always null
{ onmessage: null, postMessage: [Function: postMessage] }
So the worker self.onmessage is never getting called
Can someone tell if this is true?
roaringUnicorn commented
I'm having the same problem. Is there any update ?
My thread code look like that:
import { self } from 'react-native-threads'
05-28 12:51:41.308 18302 18597 I ReactNativeJS: { onmessage: null, postMessage: [Function: postMessage] }
05-28 12:51:41.310 18302 18597 E ReactNativeJS: TypeError: null is not a function (near '...t.self.onmessage...')
"react-native": "^0.61.5",
"react-native-threads": "0.0.19",
roaringUnicorn commented
Ok, RTFM...
It is not
self.onmessage = callbackFn