Embedly Proxy
A simple python/flask app which proxies requests to the embed.ly service and masks the application API key.
API Interface
Extract V1
This V1 API is no longer supported.
Extract V2
Extract metadata from a provided list of URLs.
URL Params
Data Params
The POST body must be a JSON encoded dictionary with one key: urls which contains a list of URLs to be queried. A maximum of 25 URLs may be submitted in one request.
{ urls: [ "https://www.mozilla.org/", "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript" ] }
Request Headers
The POST body must be a JSON encoded dictionary.
content-type: application/json
Success Response:
- Code: 200
JSON encoding
{ urls: { "<url1>": <embedly metadata>, "<urln>": <embedly metadata>, }, error: "" } ex success: { urls: { "https://www.mozilla.org": { <embedly metadata> }, error: "" } ex failure: { urls: {}, error: "The Content-Type header must be set to application/json" }
Error Responses:
- Code: 400
The server received a malformed request.
- Code: 500
The server was unable to satisfy the request.
Sample Call:
$.ajax({ url: "https://embedly-proxy.dev.mozaws.net/v2/extract, type : "POST", dataType: "json", contentType : "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({ urls: [ 'https://www.mozilla.org/', 'https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript' ] }), success : function(r, data) { console.log(data); } });