
[Feature Request] Add a way to overwrite default git options

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Some tig options exist to overwrite the underlying behaviour of git (e.g. diff-options).
However, there are default parameters which cannot be modified (in the case of diff-options, the parameter --patch-with-stat will always be passed.)

Because of that, some behaviours are unexpected and differ from git.
For example tig log -p . would display filenames and stat, and this unexpected behaviour cannot be overwritten.

This would be great to add a tig option so that no unrequested parameters are added.

For most views options are here because Tig's shortcuts rely on them. tig log would be the exception and we could move --cc --stat to tigrc so it could be overwritten. Until then, you still have the option to run git log -p . | tig.

Indeed you're right, I tried to recompile tig without the forced parameter --patch-with-stat, and some links were broken, so it's not as simple as I thought!
Thanks for the workaround suggestion