
Feature request: When closing tig, do not clear the screen

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Using 'tig' as a pager is great, much better than 'less'. We're not speaking about 'more' at all.
Only, when using 'less', I can scroll to the position that interests me, and when I then terminate with entering 'q', only the bottom line of the window is redrawn with the bash prompt, the rest of the screen remains as 'less' has drawn it.
If I try the same with 'tig', the screen is cleared.

My use case: When composing some non-trivial 'git' command, eg. a diff between two commit IDs, I frequently need multiple aspects of a series of commits to be cut and pasted from 'git log' or sometimes other 'git' commands, so I scroll to the position, terminate 'less', and copy/paste from the output still on screen, and possibly "above" in the screen buffer, to compose the next command line. With 'tig' I need to use two windows - possible, but then only one window will be last to save the command history...

A configuration option to, upon leaving 'tig', leave the content of the screen as-is would be great.

You can already get the result you are expecting if you disable the alternate screen capability of your terminal emulator or if you invoke Tig with TERM=xterm1 tig.

I was looking for an option like less -X, using a different terminal might be a possibility for some, but not always for me. I found one solution: Globally disabling the alternate screen is an option, at least in some circumstances.