
show less is showing less

govindmaheshwari2 opened this issue · 7 comments

show less is showing " less" it should be "show less" only. please fix it.

@govindmaheshwari2 You can set 'delimiter' to ''. (delimiter: '') then set trimCollapsedText to something like ' more' and trimExpandedText to 'show less'.

@ronytesler shouldn't it be the default behaviour?

Also, if you "remove" the delimiter, it won't be a space between the text and the button:

@SalahAdDin Of course, just wanted to give a workaround.
You can add a space to your text or the delimiter or trimExpandedText. Again, just a workaround.

@SalahAdDin Of course, just wanted to give a workaround.
You can add a space to your text or the delimiter or trimExpandedText. Again, just a workaround.

Yeah, it works for me.

@jonataslaw what do you think about this?

nxcco commented

Needing a workaround is kind of annoying. I love this package and would like to see this feature implemented :D

nxcco commented

Oh I saw it's due to that the package on pub was not updated yet. Sorry for that!

Oh I saw it's due to that the package on pub was not updated yet. Sorry for that!

There is no any update relate to this, and it seems the maintainer is not active anymore, you could do a patch/pull request and contribute to this package.