
My first web app created with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Leveraged the Google Charts API to analyze data around the military, healthcare, and education spending of ten different countries.

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


My first web app created with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Leveraged the Google Charts API to analyze data around the military, healthcare, and education spending of ten different countries.


This project was completed for a Data Visualization and Web Development class at The George Washington University. I was tasked with using the Google Charts API to analyze the military, healthcare, and education spending of ten G20 countries of my choosing. In order to present my analysis, I created a web app from scratch. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and the Google Charts API for the completion of this project.

Data Source

The data for this analysis came from the World Bank: https://databank.worldbank.org/source/world-development-indicators

Using the Files

There is a separate HTML file for each page of the web app. Inspecting the navbar element in any of them will give you an idea of how they are connected. All styling for the web app is contained in style.css. The images folder contains the images used and the data folder contains the .CSV exports from the World Bank. After downloading the data, I put into a Google Sheet to access it with the Google Charts API.

Live Site

Visit the following link to interact with the web app: https://jonathangiguere.github.io/Country_Spending_Web_App/index.html