
fixed dns and search domains

eoli3n opened this issue · 5 comments

I want to set my custom dns server and domains search, is that possible ?

nameserver X.X.X.X
nameserver X.X.X.X

I did my own script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
up () {
  /usr/bin/systemd-resolve \
     --interface="$INTERFACE" \
     --set-dns=       \
     --set-dns=       \ \ \

down () {
  resolvectl flush-caches

case $script_type in

exit 0

Then i can resolve server1 which fqdn is
But then it can't resolv external fqdn as

There are different kinds of domain options you can pass into systemd-resolved which governs how it will handle domains. There's DOMAIN (appended to bare names first, and routed through to the DNS servers on this link only), DOMAIN-SEARCH (appended to bare names if DOMAIN didn't work, and routed through to the DNS servers on this link only), and DOMAIN-ROUTE (just route requests for these domains through to the DNS servers on this link only).

It looks like you want a combination of DOMAIN (for the primary domain) and DOMAIN-SEARCH passed by the OpenVPN server into systemd-resolved.

What do you mean by "passing" ?

I want to edit this in client.conf, i don't manage the openvpn server.

As said in #48 (comment), I tried the following in client.conf

config /etc/openvpn/scripts/update-systemd-resolved.conf
pull-filter ignore dhcp option dns
pull-filter ignore dhcp option domain
dhcp-option dns "", ""
dhcp-option domain "", "", "";

It works for dns option but domain is not parsed as said in the comment.
Using domain-seach does not set anything when starting openvpn.

My bad, this worked

config /etc/openvpn/scripts/update-systemd-resolved.conf
pull-filter ignore dhcp option dns
pull-filter ignore dhcp option domain
pull-filter ignore dhcp option domain-search
dhcp-option dns "", ""
dhcp-option domain ""
dhcp-option domain-search ""
dhcp-option domain-search ""

No problem. I'm glad it's working!