!! Security Warning !!

This repo not only runs a reverse proxy as a privileged user, but it also mounts the docker daemon into the container as well.

This is terrible security practice, and I will be updating shortly with with a more secure configuration.

I highly recommend placing the server behind a VPN.


Clone https://github.com/jonathanmeier5/traefik-nginx-webdav and checkout master.

Configure the traefik config files with appropriate permissions. From the project root:

sudo chown root:root traefik.toml

Next, create an acme.json file somewhere outside your project that you can mount into the traefik container to store your domain's cert. Personally, I prefer the following:

mkdir -p ~/opt/traefik
touch ~/opt/traefik/acme.json
sudo chown root:root -R ~/opt
sudo chmod 600 ~/opt/traefik/acme.json

Make sure you have python 3.6 or greater installed along with pip.

pip3 install pipenv

From project root:

pipenv shell --python=python3

If your python distribution has a different alias, use that instead.

Now we can enter into our python virtual envrionment with:

pipenv shell

From here we first need to install the packages specified in the Pipfile locally:

pipenv install --dev

Now we can add appropriate environment variables to our compose-flow environments to get things up and running:

compose-flow -e local env edit -f

You should initially just see three default variable values as follows:


Beneath them, add the following:

WEBDAV_DOMAIN=<DOMAIN: ex webdav.mysite.com>
compose-flow -e local env -f

Now create a directory for the webdav server to write to. Again, I prefer:

mkdir -p ~/var/www/journal
echo 'hello, world' >> ~/var/www/journal/home.html 
sudo chown www-data:www-data -R ~/var/www/journal

With that, you should be able to start up your webdav server and its traefik proxy with:

compose-flow -e local compose up -d

On startup traefik will check to see if any certificates exist in `


Both processes are quite easy to debug. webdav-nginx stores its logs in /var/log/nginx/error.log and traefik sends logs directly to stdout.