
Any further development plans for this project?

Opened this issue · 4 comments

dzalf commented

Dear Jon and contributors

I was in the midst of writing my own FSM library when I came across this repo.

However, I can see that it has not been updated in years.

Are there any alternative forks that took over the maintenance of this project?

Otherwise, is anyone willing to keep it alive? I could personally do it however, I would need to find some space in my (very) busy schedule


yeah it's a pity - pretty useful per se. I posted #42 - no response

I concluded this project was abandoned so did my fork

there are quite a few useful improvements and fixes in the forks and PR's - I'd be interested in the context pointer feature

not prepared to take over maintenance but will re-post PR's and salvage the occasional feature/bugfix

  • Michael
dzalf commented

Thanks, Michael

I totally understand that most of us have our hands busy, and possibly Jon isn't the exemption.

I will have a look at your fork. It might be a good idea to Frankenstein some of the PRs (after thorough testing, of course) then upload it as a new fork.

Best wishes to you all

Hi all. I'm really sorry that I haven't responded to any of the merge requests. I'm open to giving someone contributor permissions to work through some of them. Sadly, I'm unable to do this at the moment. Does that help?

dzalf commented

Hi Jon

No worries. Thank you for taking the time to respond to our concerns.

Let me organise my schedule and I will get back to you with a response to your offer. At the moment, I am in the middle of both professional and personal changes. Additionally, I would like to fully understand the basic capabilities of the library first and perhaps test one or two of the proposed PRs so that I could confidently approve them (or not)

In the meantime, perhaps another brave contributor is willing to take the opportunity given by you?

Best wishes
