
Worker doesn't closes the connection

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Hi everyone,
I'm having a problem with sneaker leaking connection with RabbitMQ. I look up and didn't find anything that resolve my problem (or at least every thing that I tried, didn't work).

When my rails application worker consumes a message from the queue, it creates a connection on rabbitmq, but after finishing and sending the ack, the connection still open. That's happens with every message.

My worker is basically this:

class Worker
  include Sneakers:Worker

  from_queue 'test.queue',
                      retry_routing_key: 'test.queue'
                      arguments: { 'x-dead-letter-exchange': ENV['RETRY_EXCHANGE'] }

  def work(message)
    # do something
  rescue => error

There is any settings to do close the connection after the worker finished?

As of a411f05,

def stop
worker_trace "Stopping worker: unsubscribing."
worker_trace "Stopping worker: shutting down thread pool."
worker_trace "Stopping worker: I'm gone."

@Spaceghost thanks for the answer.

I don't understand the relation between the PR and the stop method.
Where stop is called?

For more information. I'm running the task sneakers:run to create the workers.

In some point of my code, i used the Sneakers::Publish publish method, and the connection still opened.
Thanks and closing...

I'm still looking for the PR you mentioned, would you mind dropping a link?

As for the use of #stop, I'd either suggest looking through the code at least, if not using it or writing your own using what you learn from it. Sorry I can't be much help at the moment, my loadavg is ridiculous these days.