Feature Extractors


pip install -e .


  • A running instance of docker
  • For some of the extrators nvidia-docker is needed


One can either use the feature extractor from the command line or import it as a python library.

As a library

Here is an example usage:

from feature_extractors.api import extract

def extract(
    command_args=["extract-mfcc", "-i", "/mnt/path/to/my/file.wav", "-o", "/mnt/here/I/want/it/to/go.npy", "--n_mfcc", "80"],
    volumes={"/path/to/my/file.wav": "/mnt/path/to/my/file.wav", "/here/I/want/it/to/": "/mnt/here/I/want/it/to/"}

Command line

feature_extractor [extractor]

Each extractor then in turn takes an [action] (e.g. extract-mfcc), some sort of input, an output file or directory and some extra arguments specific to that extractor. The system builds a docker image for each extractor type and assigns it a tag on the format feature_extractors_[extractor], this might sometimes take a long while. This is only done the first time an etractor is used. Using -v flags one can mount directories from the host into the docker container. This is done by passing one or several -v /path/on/host:/path/in/container flags. There is also a quick way of mounting a file which is preceeding the path with a @. This will mount for example /path/to/myfile.csv under the path /mnt/path/to/myfile.csv in the container. It also works with output files/directories that does not exist yet by mounting the parent path instead, i.e. if /path/to/a/directory exists and we want to mount an output directory @/path/to/a/directory/new_directory it will mount /path/to/a/directory/ to /mnt/path/to/a/directory/ in the container.

An example (using both ways of mounting): feature_extractor audio extract-mfcc -i /path/to/my/file.wav -o @/here/I/want/it/to/go.npy --n_mfcc 80 -v /hostpah/myfile.wav:/path/to/my/file.wav

It is also possible to just build the extractors normally using docker and run them with docker run. The feature_extractor is simply doing that automatically.

List of current Extractors

  • audio
  • dlib
  • openface
  • openpose (requires nvidia-docker and GPUS)
  • opensmile
  • ringnet (requires nvidia-docker and GPUS)
  • video
  • youtube