
A very tweaked molokai based theme for VS Code. Based on the vim theme by fmoralesc.


A very tweaked molokai-based theme for VS Code. Based on the vim theme by fmoralesc.

Languages supported

The following language have been specifically tested against this theme:


  • Python
  • HTML
  • Django Templates
  • PL/SQL
  • Vue.js

NOTE: Other languages will probably look okay with this theme, but they have not been considered or tested at this time. Support for other languages may be added to this theme at a later date.

Colors taken from:

Color Palette

Name Color 256 Colors Scope Rules
White #d0d0d0 #d0d0d0 15 Variables, Normal function parameters
SpringGreen3 #00d75f #00d75f 41 Imports, Special Characters and Delimiters
SteelBlue1 #5fd7ff #5fd7ff 81 Built-in/Global Function calls, Types, Storage type Keywords (def, class, lambda, etc.)
MediumPurple1 #af87ff #af87ff 141 Built-in Constants (None, True, False, etc.)
GreenYellow #A6E22E #A6E22E 154 Special function calls
DeepPink2 #f92672 #f92672 197 Misc. Keywords (control flow, return, etc.), SQL clause keywords
DarkOrange #ff8700 #ff8700 208 Special arguments, kwargs, self
Orange1 #ffaf00 #ffaf00 214 Struct/Object keys, function call kwarg keys
LightGoldenrod2 #ffd787 #ffd787 222 Strings, regular expressions
Grey11 #1c1c1c #1c1c1c 234 Editor background
Grey30 #4e4e4e #4e4e4e 239 Unused
Grey39 #626262 #626262 241 Unused
Grey50 #808080 #808080 244 Delimiters, de-emphasized characters
Grey66 #7E8E91 #7E8E91 248 Comments