
Access to Private Organization Repos?

jacobgraf opened this issue · 5 comments

This seems to work great, but I don't see any of the repos from the GitHub Organization I'm the admin of. Is there a way to tweak this to get those to pull in as well? Thanks!

I think it'll require extra configuration; You can be a member of many organisations, so it could result in a user cloning hundreds or thousands of repositories. I want to keep this as simple as possible, with a few env vars for config, but will take a look to see what's possible.

I've released 1.1.1 that adds the ability to back up organisations.
Rather than automatically back up the repos in all organisations the user has access to, you need to specify a list of organisations you want to include, e.g.:
Please re-open if you have any issues with this.

You rock! Thanks so much!

Works like a champ BTW! 👏🏻

Great. Thanks for the feedback.