
Context/State for Job Workers?

ducharmemp opened this issue · 3 comments

To preface, I'm a fairly amateur rust developer and what I'm suggesting is no doubt a breaking change for the worker API, and I'm probably not skilled enough to implement a completely sound library change with this sort of scope.

I'm attempting to use workers written in rust, but I quickly ran into issues with managing state that exists outside of the worker itself. While reading over previously closed issues (particularly #13 and the PR that closed it), I'm wondering if there is a roadmap or want for something akin to rocket's request guards. My primary use case for this is managing DB connections with diesel. Something utilizing might be possible?

I suppose with the current API I could write a closure that wraps a Fn and grabs a connection, but that seems a bit awkward and I could easily see the function stringing together the workers becoming harder to reason about.

This isn't an absolutely critical or show-stopping goal, since I'm writing my workers in python in the interim but it would be a "nice to have" so that my workers and main codebase can share the exact same model structs and logic without duplication.

I'm not sure I follow exactly what it is you are proposing? If you wanted access to a database connection in your handler, then I think what you'd do is construct a connection pool (something like r2d2::Pool), and then call get on that pool (which only requires &self, so is fine from a Fn closure) to get a connection. Will that not work for the use-case you have in mind?

I think ultimately this crate should probably be re-written to use async/await, I just haven't gotten around to it yet, as it would be a fairly substantial change. Now that I think about it though, that probably wouldn't actually make a difference for your use-case 😅

My original thought was something like:

fn do_db_work(job: Job, connection: State<Connection>) -> ioResult {

And since my connection pool currently isn't a static global I didn't have a way to grab a connection inside of my worker class. Now I could do something like:

fn do_db_work(job: Job, connection: &Connection) -> ioResult {

consumer.register("db_work", |job: Job| do_db_work(job, &connection_pool.get()))

But it's a bit awkward. All that being said, I honestly hadn't considered the fact that R2D2's connection pool is Send + Sync, so it could technically be lazy_static initialized. I'll have to play around with my architecture some more to see if I can get a cleaner representation of it. I'll close out this issue since it's not really an issue with your library, it's an issue with my structure. Thanks!

Let me know if you come up with some specific change that would make your life easier after fiddling with it a bit yourself :D