
Open to replacing `failure` with `thiserror`?

jssblck opened this issue · 5 comments

Hey there! I'm starting a new project using this library.

Now that failure is deprecated, and the ecosystem is moving towards a system where libraries report implementations of Error, would you be open to a PR replacing usage of failure with proper Error implementations?


@jonhoo awesome, thanks! I put in a PR here: #28

@jonhoo also, I was looking over the other issues and saw this:

I'm also looking for maintainers if anyone using Faktory on a regular basis is looking to step up to the plate

My company is building out at least one large-ish rust system that uses faktory for job dispatch (and we already use faktory heavily in other languages), so I will likely be trying to upstream multiple PRs as part of that over the coming weeks/months/longer (depending on what issues we run into).

I'm open to stepping up to the plate here- happy to talk more about what that'd look like and how I can help!

@kitified That'd be amazing! I've added you as a maintainer of the GitHub project. I'll hold off on the release privileges for the time being, but as you ramp up on the project I'm happy to share that too :) Even though you have permissions now, please do keep submitting PRs and I'll do my best to give reviews in a timely fashion!

Sounds great, will do!