
Run cargo audit in CI?

GarkGarcia opened this issue · 2 comments

Maybe we could run cargo audit on the CI for security audits. Just run it on my machine:

$ cargo audit
    Fetching advisory database from ``
      Loaded 73 security advisories (from ~/.cargo/advisory-db)
    Updating index
    Scanning Cargo.lock for vulnerabilities (79 crate dependencies)
error: Vulnerable crates found!

ID:       RUSTSEC-2020-0006
Crate:    bumpalo
Version:  3.2.0
Date:     2020-03-24
Title:    Flaw in `realloc` allows reading unknown memory
Solution:  upgrade to >= 3.2.1
Dependency tree:
bumpalo 3.2.0
└── wasm-bindgen-backend 0.2.59
    └── wasm-bindgen-macro-support 0.2.59
        └── wasm-bindgen-macro 0.2.59
            └── wasm-bindgen 0.2.59
                ├── web-sys 0.3.36
                │   └── plotters 0.2.12
                │       └── criterion 0.3.1
                │           └── flurry 0.2.1
                ├── plotters 0.2.12
                └── js-sys 0.3.36
                    ├── web-sys 0.3.36
                    └── plotters 0.2.12

warning: 1 warning found

Crate:    bumpalo
Version:  3.2.0
Warning:  package has been yanked!

error: 1 vulnerability found!
warning: 1 warning found!

Hmm, maybe, though it's unclear to me how much it helps on this crate since we do not check in the Cargo.lock file. We may want to run something like cargo-outdated so we know when we are holding back updates due to new major versions, but point releases and such I don't think should be too much of a concern.

Hmm, maybe, though it's unclear to me how much it helps on this crate since we do not check in the Cargo.lock file. We may want to run something like cargo-outdated so we know when we are holding back updates due to new major versions, but point releases and such I don't think should be too much of a concern.

Seems quite reasonable to me.