
0.7 -> 0.9 upgrade caused reduced svg fidelity

liaden opened this issue ยท 6 comments

I noticed this on rbspy specifically: rbspy/rbspy#239

Hmm, interesting. I suspect this is due to #136. @jasonrhansen could you take a look? @liaden could you try generating the flamegraph with min_width set to a smaller value than the default and see if that fixes the issue?

Just removing to take the default value, it works as expected.

Ah, interesting! Yes, the meaning of min_with changed in the move from 0.7 to 0.9 (I should probably have documented that in a changelog somewhere). It is now (from memory) a percentage of the image width rather than a pixel value. Should be a straightforward enough change to rbspy I think?

Yeah, it definitely seems more appropriate to change on rbspy side.

It is not (from memory) a percentage of the image width rather than a pixel value.

Did you mean now?

Ah, yes, sorry, now ๐Ÿ˜…

I'll close this then since it is not an issue on the inferno side of things. Thanks for the report though!