
Test our decision to include ' and " in collapsed output

Closed this issue · 2 comments

When implementing inferno-collapse-perf, we made the decision not to strip ' and ". I believe the Perl version did that to not have to deal with them in SVG output, but we should make sure that we actually produce sensible output even with those characters (Rust code with lifetimes for example).

I created a flame graph with a file that has a Rust stack line with lifetimes, and a contrived line that contains both single and double quotes. The output looks good to me.

Input File

rustc;<rustc::hir::intravisit::IdRangeComputingVisitor<'a, 'hir> as rustc::hir::intravisit::Visitor<'hir>>::visit_id 60
strange;"line";with;"quotes;'foo';'bar 40

Flame Graph

Excellent, thanks for investigating! I'll close this then.