
Hidden files

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hidden files

Hmm, that's interesting. Do those same files show up if you don't include proximity-sort in the pipeline? proximity-sort really doesn't do anything fancy, and shouldn't add or remove files from the listing, just re-order them.

Huh, that is very weird indeed. Can you give me a specific input that produces weird ordering? I want to see what happens if we pass just that file list through proximity-sort.

It'd be really useful to see exactly what output the underlying find command yields, and what argument is provided to proximity-sort. It's hard to debug just from that screencast, even though it does demonstrate the problem.

@facadeproof Did you find a solution to your problem? It'd be great if you could share the solution instead of deleting the question :)

Interesting.. It'd still be very useful if you could provide the input to proximity-sort, and the argument you pass to it. That way it'd be much easier for me to replicate your problem.

Ah, sorry, no, when I say "input" I mean the actual list of files produced by the command to the left of | proximity-sort that's causing you problems. This should just be a matter of running the same command you have in your config manually, without | proximity-sort, in the same directory. And then also what argument is passed to proximity-sort when you see the problematic behavior (what's provided as %s above).