
Configure, build, and package GraphicsMagick from source.

Primary LanguageShell

GraphicsMagick Ubuntu Packager

The most recent GraphicsMagick package for Ubuntu is 1.3.18 which dates back to 2013.

The build.sh script here takes a GraphicsMagick source distribution, configures, builds and packages it.

To build a new packaged version:

  1. Copy the GraphicsMagick source .tar.gz archive to this directory (e.g. GraphicsMagick-1.3.27.tar.gz)
  2. Run build.sh.

To install the packaged version that this script creates, use:

sudo dpkg -i ./graphicsmagick_1.3.27_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get -f install

The initial dpkg command may report missing dependencies, the apt-get command will ensure those dependencies are satisfied.


  1. The build script assumes that fpm is installed.
  2. The build configuration was taken from the 1.3.18 package (the gm version command line shows build configuration used).
  3. The dependency list was taken from the 1.3.18 package