
A simple fork of the bakthat project which supports Rackspace Cloudfiles as the object storage backend.

Primary LanguagePython

bakthat - with Rackspace swift (cloudfiles) support.

This tool has the option to upload compressed copies of files into a cloudfiles container account. Some features of the suite:

  • Uses swift-common client.py implementation which improves performance and reliability over the issues commonly brought up about duplicity.
  • Compresses all of the files with gzip before sending.
  • Has option to encrypt with a password (blowfish+aes) with pycrpto library.
  • Restoration of files from cloudfiles to local disk is supported.
  • List, Delete, Backup, and Restore currently supported.
  • bakthat can be hooked as a module so you can write your own scripts, or use mine- filewalker.py

What are the requirements?

  • Python 2.6 or 2.7 tested.
  • Install gcc, make, and the python devel libraries with your favorite package manager.
  • easy_install pip if you do not already have pip installed with your python distribution.
  • You will need to install the modules required via pip pip install -r depends.txt

Yeah but what are the exact requirements?

  • boto-2.8.0.tar.gz or pip install boto
  • beefish-0.1.1.tar.gz or pip install beefish
  • pycrypto-2.6.tar.gz or pip install pycrypto
  • aaargh-0.4.tar.gz or pip install aaargh
  • requests-1.1.0.tar.gz but 1.1.0 build 0x010100 is included.
  • python-dateutil-2.1.tar.gz or pip install python-dateutil
  • python-swiftclient-1.3.0.tar.gz or pip install python-swiftclient

What do these .py files do?


This contains the core classes for crypto, compression, and the wrapper for the swift common client. It acts as a module and as a standalone application. It's a fork of a project called bakthat (https://github.com/tsileo/bakthat) and I have plans to push my changes back into the original software when I get in touch with the author.

Sample bakthatswift.conf

apiuser = USER
apikey = KEY
container = CONTAINER
region_name = dfw

(NOTE: For now, for this application to work, you need to also configure classauth.conf with matching api key settings.)


Handles the authentication for cloudfiles library. It caches the auth token to disk locally to increase speed performance.

Known problems: You must make the config file (below) match the credentials you have configured in either filewalker.conf or bakthatswift.conf.

Sample classauth.conf

auth_url = https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tokens
username = user
apikey = key
json_cache_pckl_file = /tmp/authkey.usa.pckl

auth_url = https://identity.api.rackspacecloud.com/v2.0/tokens
username = user
apikey = key
json_cache_pckl_file = /tmp/authkey.lon.pckl


This file can walk files within a directory and only back up files older then a time in seconds. It can automatically delete the local copy after the remote end is uploaded with a verified md5sum. This script will also refuse to overwrite an existing filename on cloudfiles, and will skip the local backup after logging the error.

You can use this helper script if you don't want to write your own apps/shell script to utilize bakthatswift.py.

###Sample filewalker.conf

backup_age = 1  # How many seconds before this is applicable for a backup?
delete_afterwards = True # Should we delete after verifying remote md5?
backup_source = ~/backups/ 
backup_password = test

apiuser = user
apikey = key
container = test
region_name = dfw

Command examples


Run a backup in test mode (zero action taken)

PRO-TIP: Adding --noop with any value after it causes no-op to take effect. /usr/bin/env python filewalker.py backup --config filewalker.conf --noop true

Run a backup against the configured directory.

/usr/bin/env python filewalker.py backup --config filewalker.conf

Run a restore.

Remember to add .enc if it's encrypted. /usr/bin/env python filewalker.py restore --config filewalker.conf -f remote-filename-to-restore


Run interactive config setup.

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py configure

Backup a file explicitly.

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py backup -c bakthatswift.conf -f filename-to-backup

Restore a file.

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py restore -c bakthatswift.conf -f filename-to-restore

Delete a file in the container:

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py delete -c bakthatswift.conf -f remote-file-to-delete

List files in container.

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py ls -c bakthatswift.conf

Retrieve md5 for explicit file in container.

/usr/bin/env python bakthatswift.py md5 -c bakthatswift.conf -f filename-for-wanted-md5-value

When will this be ported to bakthat main project?

I will need to get an Amazon account and do cross-service level testing when I get a chance in my spare time to backport this to the original codebase. However, it is possible and should be simple.