
preserveMediaQueries has no effect

adammockor opened this issue · 8 comments

Hello, there is old issue for this #5, but it has old dependency.

I got task like this and option "preserveMediaQueries" has no effect. If I got it right, it should inline media queries into head. Is this even possible right know?

gulp.task('inline', ['styles', 'jade'], function() {
  return gulp.src('app/index.html')
      preserveMediaQueries: true

It works as stated in the documentation here.

Preserves all media queries (and contained styles) within <style></style> tags

The test cases pass. Here is a link to the expected result from this test case.

Yeah, right. It really works as documentation says.

Is it anyhow possible to inline media queries from file (link tag)?

I don't know that it's possible to inline media queries.

No, it's not. I achieved desired workflow with gulp-inline-source like this:

gulp.task('inline', ['styles', 'jade'], function() {
  return gulp.src('app/*.html')
      rootpath: 'app'
      preserveMediaQueries: true

Thank you for your time.

No problem!

There is a way to extract the media queries from link tag style.css and input inside body or wherever you need

If you still need it, i can explain how.

I'm looking for a gulp module that will inline the css and place the media queries in the head?