- 3
Black blink after dismissing any viewController presented with full screen presentation
#579 opened by albertvc10 - 24
- 1
How do I proper close SideMenu?
#574 opened by DouglasHennrich - 5
Missing ability to provide custom overlay
#575 opened by vkolosovsky - 2
addScreenEdgePanGesturesToPresent Warning
#568 opened by perryhoekstra - 16
Keyboard Hides when sidemenu appears but after closing side menu keyboard appears again.
#570 opened by Piyush-Sharma-Pandit - 12
Not Compatible for swift 5 and IOS 13.
#564 opened by Hzy5 - 1
allowPushOfSameClassTwice = true not working
#582 opened by SerggioC - 5
- 2
Example not working
#581 opened by naveedmcs - 1
dyld: Symbol not found:
#588 opened by obaidrehman - 4
App Crashing on updating from xcode 10 - xcode 11
#545 opened by shujavf - 7
Could not cast value
#571 opened by aBhanuTeja - 2
UISideMenuNavigationControllerDelegate not work
#585 opened by fuatkarip - 2
statusbar shows black and 'leftMenuNavigationController.statusBarEndAlpha = 0' can not solve
#584 opened by markinlkn - 1
Problems with the navigation bar
#587 opened by JJunLLee - 1
problems with the navigation bar
#586 opened by JJunLLee - 0
statusbar shows black and 'leftMenuNavigationController.statusBarEndAlpha = 0' can not solve
#583 opened by markinlkn - 1
How can toggle menu from IBAction button?
#578 opened by Shahbaz-Akram - 1
- 1
Version 6.0 not found 😊
#577 opened by FerasFarhan - 1
it is taking two clicks to present UIAlertController on sidemen's table view cell click.
#573 opened by monkeyDkishan - 3
Make custom presentation style methods overridable
#548 opened by ozgur - 3
Double height status bar causing layout issues in iOS 10 and iOS 12 when Xcode 11 and iOS 13 SDK is used
#566 opened by djdirtycake - 3
Value of type 'UIWindow' has no member 'windowScene'; did you mean 'windowLevel'?
#565 opened by aBhanuTeja - 1
Status bar (Crash)problem with iOS 13
#572 opened by ShardaPrasad - 7
- 11
Missing Shadow for Top View from side separating menu and main view controllers
#557 opened by winstonmachado7 - 0
support sidemen with iPhone X and XR And Max
#569 opened by Hamza-Almass - 0
Not Working After updating in iOS 13
#563 opened by Piyush-Sharma-Pandit - 3
New Presentation Of iOS 13 Inconsistent with default present of SideMenu ?!
#562 opened by Mohamed-Akl - 5
SidMenu not able to present half of the screen in ios13, but working in ios12
#552 opened by Imtiazaa - 1
there is gap on the top of controller
#560 opened by huangmaoyixxx - 1
- 5
- 1
dismissOnPresent on iOS 13
#558 opened by leo150 - 1
- 1
Crash in iOS 13
#554 opened by nb5053 - 1
Shadow disappeared for iOS 13
#549 opened by skatolyk - 1
What replaced menuShadowRadius?
#553 opened by MalkaBar - 0
- 1
iOS 13.0 The actions to open the menu left or right no function from button
#547 opened by mateoquiceno - 1
buttonaction is not work correctly
#546 opened by Hwamyo - 0
SideMenuManager.default.leftMenuNavigationController dismiss programatically not working
#544 opened by sphairo - 1
- 2
SideMenu loads all view controllers inside him
#542 opened by eitanaviv - 3
Compilation fails due to SideMenu.h not found
#537 opened by vkaramov - 1
- 3
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