
Include list of tags to help autocomplete

coolbutuseless opened this issue · 1 comments

Idea - include a named list of all tags so that user can harness autocomplete for all the tag names.


tags <- c(
  "-1", "1", "100", "1234", "1st_place_medal", "2nd_place_medal", 
  "3rd_place_medal", "8ball", "a", "ab", "abacus", "abc", "abcd", 
  "accept", "accordion", "adhesive_bandage", "adult", "aerial_tramway", 
  "zero", "zimbabwe", "zipper_mouth_face", "zombie", "zombie_man", 
  "zombie_woman", "zzz")

.tag <- as.list(stats::setNames(as.list(tags), tags))

Now in the console .tag$c<TAB> will show all tags starting with c

And then you can do the following

ntfy::ntfy_send(server = "", topic = "RStats", message = "Hello", tags = list(.tag$cat, .tag$dog))

 🎱 8ball 
