FocusPoint stopped outputting Images on front end
asecondwill opened this issue · 4 comments
asecondwill commented
I've had focuspoint on our site for a while. It's stopped working with a composer update when it jumped to 2.4
Error is
[User Warning] DataObject::__construct passed The value 'assets/article-images/_resampled/CroppedFocusedImageWyI1NzQiLCIzMDUiLCJ5Iiw2Ml0/stairs.jpg'. It's supposed to be passed an array, taken straight from the database. Perhaps you should use DataList::create()->First(); instead?
I've set focuspoint in composer.json to 2.3 and 2.2.1 - same error.
Maybe silverstripe updated and now isn't compatible. Where should I start to look / Is this a bug?
asecondwill commented
composer file for ref
"silverstripe/framework": "3.5.*",
"silverstripe/cms": "3.5.*",
"silverstripe/lumberjack": "^1.1",
"silverstripe/tagfield": "^1.2",
"silverstripe/timepickerfield": "^1.0@dev",
"silverstripe/googlesitemaps": "^1.5",
"silverstripe/embargoexpiry": "dev-master",
"silverstripe/gridfield-addons": "dev-master",
"unclecheese/betterbuttons": "^1.2",
"unclecheese/display-logic": "^1.3",
"unclecheese/dropzone": "^1.2",
"silverstripe-australia/gridfieldextensions": "^1.1",
"silverstripe-australia/addressable": "^1.0",
"silverstripe-australia/elastica": "dev-master",
"jonom/silverstripe-betternavigator": "^2.1",
"colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools": "^2.1",
"nglasl/silverstripe-extensible-search": "^2.0",
"adrexia/batchactionsplus": "^1.0",
"icecaster/versioned-gridfield": "^1.0",
"undefinedoffset/silverstripe-nocaptcha": "^0.1",
"sunnysideup/dataintegritytests": "^4.1",
"nathancox/mapfield": "dev-master",
"kinglozzer/multiselectfield": "^1.4",
"judev/php-htmltruncator": "^1.1",
"axllent/silverstripe-version-truncator": "^1.0",
"burnbright/silverstripe-importexport": "^0.3",
"littlegiant/silverstripe-catalogmanager": "^3.0",
"richardsjoqvist/silverstripe-optionaltreedropdownfield": "^1.1",
"gdmedia/ss-auto-git-ignore": "^1.0",
"jonom/focuspoint": "2.2.1",
"briceburg/silverstripe-pickerfield": "^0.9.0",
"lekoala/silverstripe-debugbar": "dev-master",
"sheadawson/silverstripe-dependentdropdownfield": "^1.0",
"sheadawson/silverstripe-linkable": "^1.3",
"sheadawson/silverstripe-select2": "^1.0",
"thisisbd/silverstripe-maintenance-mode": "*"
asecondwill commented
rolling back to my previous composer lock file fixes this
"_readme": [
"This file locks the dependencies of your project to a known state",
"Read more about it at",
"This file is @generated automatically"
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"description": "A sortable multiple select field for managing many-to-many relations",
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"time": "2015-11-23T10:49:35+00:00"
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"description": "DebugBar for SilverStripe CMS",
"keywords": [
"time": "2017-01-04T11:50:20+00:00"
"name": "littlegiant/silverstripe-catalogmanager",
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"role": "Developer"
"name": "Oliver Shaw",
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"role": "Developer"
"name": "James Fallwell",
"email": "",
"role": "Developer"
"description": "Catalog Manager provides extension for ModelAdmin editing of SiteTree instances",
"time": "2016-03-20T20:51:35+00:00"
"name": "maximebf/debugbar",
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"kriswallsmith/assetic": "The best way to manage assets",
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"predis/predis": "Redis storage"
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"description": "Debug bar in the browser for php application",
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"time": "2017-01-05T08:46:19+00:00"
"name": "nathancox/mapfield",
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"name": "Nathan Cox",
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"description": "A field for managing a Google Map on a page or dataobject",
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"time": "2016-03-04T22:22:02+00:00"
"name": "nglasl/silverstripe-extensible-search",
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"name": "Nathan Glasl",
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"description": "A module for SilverStripe which will allow user customisation and developer extension of a search page instance, including analytics and suggestions.",
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"time": "2016-08-03T06:02:14+00:00"
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"monolog/monolog": "Logging request"
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"time": "2016-05-24T06:32:54+00:00"
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"description": "A couple of handy form fields and objects for managing external and internal links on DataObjects",
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"description": "Adds embargo period and expiry dates to content items. Ripped from advancedworkflow module",
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"description": "A module to make managing pages in a GridField easy without losing any of the functionality that you're used to in the CMS.",
"time": "2016-11-16T23:39:49+00:00"
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"time": "2016-11-16T23:39:49+00:00"
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"time": "2016-11-16T23:39:49+00:00"
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"time": "2016-08-22T09:56:00+00:00"
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"time": "2014-07-24T12:10:22+00:00"
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"Sunny Side Up (BSD-3-Clause and CUSTOM)"
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"time": "2016-02-16T08:50:41+00:00"
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"time": "2017-01-03T08:53:57+00:00"
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