
Stemmer Not Working as Expected

thedamnedrhino opened this issue · 2 comments

I am executing the script using perl < input > output. input is a file containing the single line

کتابهاصفحه ها صفحهی صفحه ی کار کن کارکن

I would expect many changes to be made to this line through running a stemmer on it, however the output file contains the exact same data as the input data (the diff shell command shows no difference between the two files). I have also tried out all the relevant options (-s --irreg-stem -t 1) to no avail. I have also tried the perl < input | cat > output command to execute the script, but the result was the same.

abb4s commented

I have the same problem , and also I get this message :
Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at line 133. Use of the encoding pragma is deprecated at line 137.

Just replace use encoding "utf8" with use utf8 and it should work :)